Labels:text | screenshot | display | number | font | software OCR: ASSYINST.FSL :: #Button44 :: pushButton ===== Section G: Duplicate "Outside Vendor" detail records (1 to 1) ===== If tcoutVendor .open ("OUTUNDR.DB") then If tcoutVendor .qLocate ( CopyFromUI) then ;open TCursor onto table. tcOutVendor . copyToArray ( dynOutVendor ) ;if "copy from" can be found, dynOutVendor["PartNumber"] = CopyToUI ;copy record from table to array. ; change value in array to user input. tcOutVendor .edit( ) tcOutVendor .insertRecord( ) ;put table in edit mode. tcOutVendor . copyFromArray ( dynOutVendor ) ;insert a blank record into the table. ;copy record from array to blank record. msg Info ("Reminder ","Outside vendor information will be copied.") else msg Info("", "Couldn't find any outside vendor data.") endIf else msgStop ("Problem ","Can't copy outside vendor data. Try again, or contact the database administrator.") endIf Edit Line: 1 Col: 1